Eine immerhin 449 Firmen umfassende
Untersuchung von Programmen unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit (corporate
sustainability) in den Branchen Ernährung, Bekleidung und
Holzwirtschaft, zeigt deren eng begrenzte Wirksamkeit (Science Daily):
...about half use some form of sustainable sourcing practice ranging from third-party certification of production standards to environmental training for suppliers (...)
More than 70 percent of sustainable sourcing practices cover only a subset of input materials for a given product. For example, a company might use recycled materials for the packaging of a product, but leave the remainder of a product's upstream impact unaddressed. (...)
Almost all sustainable sourcing practices address only a single tier in the supply chain, usually first-tier suppliers, such as the textile factories that sew T-shirts. Often, the remaining processes, from dying the cloth to growing the cotton, remain unaddressed. (...)
More than a quarter of sustainable sourcing practices apply to only a single product line.
For example, a company may use Fair Trade certification for only one type of chocolate bar among many that it sells.
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