Montag, 11. Juni 2012

Höchstens jedeR Vierte bekommt Hilfe

Ein Thema, das im entwicklungspolitischen Kontext nicht sehr oft zur Sprache kommt, ist psychische Gesundheit. Der New Internationalist macht auf das globale Ausmaß des Problems aufmerksam "Mental health: the facts" und fragt nach der kulturellen Grundlage von psychischen Störungen: "When Western therapies fail". Auch die aktuellen welt-sichten bieten einen Beitrag zum Thema: "Der Kampf gegen die Stimmen im Kopf".

Die WHO hat auf der unlängst zu Ende gegangenen 65. World Health Assembly eine Resolution zu dem Thema verabschiedet. Darin heißt es (Hervorhebungen durch die Redaktion):
Untreated mental, neurological and substance use disorders exact a high toll, accounting for 13% of the total global burden of disease. Unipolar depressive disorder is the third leading cause of disease burden, accounting for 4.3% of the global  burden of disease. The estimates for low- and middle-income countries are 3.2% and 5.1%, respectively. (...) When only the disability component is taken into consideration in the calculation of the  burden of disease, mental disorders account for 25.3% and 33.5% of all years lived with a disability in low- and middle-income countries, respectively.
(...) Surveys among people affected by conflicts have found prevalence rates of 17% for depression and 15% for post-traumatic stress disorder – figures that are substantially higher than average prevalence rates in general  populations. Other factors that increase peoples’ vulnerability or risk of developing mental health problems include poverty, exposure to domestic violence and abuse, and the presence of chronic disease. 
The gap between the need for treatment for mental disorders and its provision is wide all over the world. For example, between 76% and 85% of people with severe mental disorders receive no treatment for their mental health problem in low- and middle-income countries; (...)

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