Eine spannende Erklärung für die
us-amerikanischen Versuche, dem chinesischen Mobilfunkkonzern Huawei zu
schaden, bietet die Asia Times. Es gehe nicht um mögliche Hintertüren,
die die Chinesen zu Überwachungszwecken einbauen könnten, sondern vielmehr um Quantenkommunikation, eine Technologie, in der China führe. Diese mache das Abhören entsprechend verschlüsselter Kommunikation technisch unmöglich.
Chinesische Kommentatoren sehen das natürlich ganz ähnlich: "Western countries should learn to adapt to Chinese standards" wird etwa in der Global Times gefordert:China['s] (...) wants to dominate the construction and future upgrades of the world’s communications infrastructure, linking it to Chinese commercialization (...), Chinese industrial technology (through the Internet of Things), Chinese finance and Chinese logistics. (...)
I continue to believe that the United States cannot effectively restrict the spread of a technology (...) without offering a superior product of its own.
Some Western countries, especially the US, are upset that China may have a bigger say in standards-setting in key technological areas. What they are concerned with are their own interests rather than global technological development. (...)heißt es da unter anderem.
Shouldn't whoever has the cutting-edge technology have a bigger say in setting the standards for the 5G world (...)? Trying to obstruct the process is nothing but an attempt to strangle technological progress and common development (...),
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