Dienstag, 10. November 2020

Historischer Einbruch

Die ausländischen Direktinvestitionen sind im ersten Halbjahr 2020 heftig eingebrochen. Der Investment Trend Monitor der UN Konferenz für Handel und Entwicklung (UNCTAD) vom 27.10. fasst die historisch zu nennenden Fakten zusammen:

In the first half of 2020 global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows fell by 49%. [...]
Developed economies saw
[...] a decline of 75% compared to 2019. [...] FDI flows to developing economies decreased by 16% ‒ less than expected. Flows were 28% lower in Africa, 25% in Latin America and the Caribbean and 12% in Asia. FDI flows to transition economies were down 81%.
Global FDI is projected to contract by 30-40% for the full year 2020. The rate of decline in developed economies is likely to flatten as some investment activity appears to be picking up in Q3. Flows to developing economies are expected to stabilize with East Asia showing early signs of recovery. 
Other sources, including remittances and official development assistance – particularly important for LDCs – are also falling. The overall decline could aggravate external payments problems in developing countries and LDCs.

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